20 February 2015

Decopage Box

Hi guys! In another one of my crafty series I'll be showing you a great gift box idea! Make sure you have mini specialist decoupage boxes at the ready and some tissue paper or decoupage paper to cover it with.
   Start off by using PVA glue to cover the lid with a thin layer of glue then tear up your paper into postage stamp sizes. Put one piece of paper onto the box then paint glue over it and then smooth out another piece overlapping it-paint it with glue again and keep layering the pieces of thin paper over it in this manner. Cover all the areas you want on the box with the beautiful paper. You must leave it to dry now before you may further decorate it with buttons, lace and paint (or anything else you want). For some ideas have a look at my decoupage box!

I've decoupaged the top of the lid and the round side of the base. I left the round side of the lid blank so that I could attach a flower lace ribbon all the way around and I then used double sided sticky tape to attach a yellow button where there was a small gap between the ribbon. I then painted the bottom base with burnt sienna. After that I painted the sides of the inside with the same color and the base with white acrylic paint and glitter paint. I used yellow acrylic paint to do stripes along all the inside.
    Now that you've completed your decoupage gift box you can buy (or even better make) a small gift to go inside-maybe even jewelry? This is a great box and it has so much thought put into it. People should enjoy the thought and uniqueness of this packaging, it's almost a gift in itself, they can keep it in the future. Enjoy coming up with your own ideas.

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